Oresteia by Aeschylus.  A version by Ted Hughes. Woodcuts by Leonard Baskin. The Gehenna Press, 2002.
13 x 21 inches, 3 volumes (66 pages, 128 pages, 72 pages), 60 copies. Composed in 24 point Centaur type by Dan Carr at the Golgonooza Letter Foundry. The text was printed by Dan Keleher at Wild Carrot Letterpress. The 57 woodcuts were printed in black by Art Larson on dampened handmade Zecchi paper. Binding by Claudia Cohen.

“The woodcuts for this book presented several challenges. Each block was of a slightly different thickness, which required carefully building them up to type-high. Each block also was usually not of a uniform thickness throughout. Many of the blocks were slightly ‘cupped’ or warped enough to be quite difficult to print. It required a combination of hand inking with a brayer and using the forme rollers of the press to get a good, rich print. The blocks also varied in size from 6 x 9 inches to 10 x 13 inches.” —AL

Used by permission of the Estate of Leonard Baskin.
© Estate of Leonard Baskin. All rights are held by the artist and any further duplication or publication must be cleared by them.

Baskin Oresteia     Kuch Disasters 1     Moser Tree